Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Gibran In New York ...... - Gibran -

Gibran About New York ..

I run through the streets of this gigantic city, and shadows run after me. 
I gaze with a thousand eyes and listen with a thousand ears all through the day; 
and when I come home late at night I find more things to gaze at and more voices to listen to. 
New York is not the place where one finds rest. 
But did I come here for rest? 
I am so glad to be able to run. 
I spent yesterday afternoon in the Museum — and I am astonished to find so many wonderful things in it. 
It is surely one of the great museums in the world in spite of its being only fifty years old. 
America is far greater than what people think; 
her Destiny is strong and healthy and eager.

- Gibran -

New York Met Gibran Time

New York Met Modern Times 

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