Thursday, June 6, 2019

On Hate, Reality & Sorrow. - Gibran -

On Hate, Reality and Sorrow .. 
- Gibran -

The Reality of The Other Person Lies Not In What He Reveals To You, 
But What He Cannot Reveal To You. 
If You Would Understand Him, 
Listen Not To What He Says, 
But Rather To What He Does Not Say.

A woman said unto a man, "I love you." 
And the man said, "It is in my heart to be worthy of your love."
And he woman said, "You love me not?"
And the man only gazed upon her and said nothing.
Then the woman cried aloud, "I hate you."
And the man said, 
"Then it is also in my heart to be worthy of your hate."

“Hearts united in pain and sorrow
will not be separated by joy and happiness.
Bonds that are woven in sadness
are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure.
Love that is washed by tears
will remain eternally pure and faithful.”


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