Saturday, July 6, 2019

Quatrains (9) , Smile - Rumi-

Quatrains (9) , Smile.
- Rumi-

When this beauty smiles, your hands start to clap.

When she offers the cup, your toes start to tap.
And when, from behind her veil, an eyebrow peaks out,
Angels play that rainbow and your fingers snap.


Curses fall from your lips, and the moon smiles.
Those curses come from rubies forged in fire.
Curse again, your words caress my heart
Like a breeze that stirs the petals of a flower.
With a smile biting those two ruby lips,
How beautifully, idol, you've come to life!
Stealing my heart that day was not enough;
Today you're back, intent upon my life.
Do you smile at the garden's kindness, my flower?
Do you smile at the nightingales' love spell?
Or do you smile for your love's eyes alone,
And smile at what you've left him of your own?


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