Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Quatrains (3) - Rumi -

The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.

She's gone--no one has ever been so good a friend;
Gone before my heart was full, or ready for an end.
She's gone, and with her the cure for this pain.
The rose is gone and still the thorn remains.

I'm the wind, you're a leaf. How can you not tremble,
Or do just what I ask? I threw a stone,
And broke your pitcher: How can you not be
Worth a hundred precious stones, a hundred seas?
I would shake the dust from my coat, and rise
If I realized my own perfection.
I would rush to the sky, empty and light;
My head would be high as the ninth heaven.
If my head holds one thought wise and clear, it's you.
Poor as I am, what I hold dear is you.
No matter how I see myself, I'm nothing.
Anything I am entirely is you.
No way can I take back my heart from you;
Better then surrender it unto
Your passion, ease your aching love - if not,
What use is it, why even have a heart?
My love, my life, you ask why I'm so hard.
Go ask your eyebrows, ask your wild hair.
Your tight lips will tell why my heart feels no peace.
Your magical eyes will explain my disease.


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