Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Quatrains (5) - Rumi-

My heart wanted only a kiss from you; 
The price you asked for that kiss was my soul.
Heart jumped in the deep and flowed alongside soul,
Advising, 'Close the deal. The price is cheap.'
I rush here and there in search of a friend.
Still I dream, though my life has reached its end.
And yes, one day I will find my friend,
But how will I find the life that is spent?
I'm sad that as she binds me in this pain,
My love does not intend my heart to gain 
Its happiness. When she sees my distress 
She laughs in secret at this sweet, sweet jest. 
I was drinking wine, mired in my distress,
And fell asleep before my heart could be expressed.
When I woke from my drunken sleep, I found
My love gone, the candle out, Saghi sleeping sound.
Not just her laugh and her face are lovely;
Her anger, her moods, her harsh words are too. 
Like it or not, she demands my life. 
Who cares for life? Her demand's lovely too.


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